
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Binging, a.k.a. Thanksgiving

Many weight loss blogs I read are talking about how their Thanksgiving went, so I thought I'd chime in. Know what? I ate a LOT. I gained 2 pounds. I tracked everything in fitday, so I can tell you that one of those pounds was from the extra 1000 calories every day of my 5 day Thanksgiving vacation. The other pound snuck in before vacation, in random cold weather nibbling.

How do I handle this? Do I freak out, eating nothing but bell pepper strips and exercising for two hours every day?


I had Fritos from the vend yesterday, pizza for dinner the day before, and I just downed a slice of cheesecake. Also, I skipped yoga last night. I'm easing back into "normal life" mode by stepping down my pie/chocolate/potato chips/flavored creamer/cream cheese consumption. By the weekend, my calories should be back under 2000/day, and I'll be rarin' to rake some leaves and hammer some nails and do some weatherstripping.

I don't beat myself up, though I do avoid Weight Watchers. Really, I just hate waiting in line for 15 minutes to weigh in, thinking the whole time "these women must hate me because I'm skinny and I'm at Weight Watchers."


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