
Friday, May 19, 2006

Keeping House

"I see my taking care of my body as an ongoing project. Something like housework, it's never really finished, just sometimes the focus shifts from major spring cleaning to laundry and minor picking up."


I guess I'm in major Spring Cleaning mode, since I had let the minor picking up slide. Heh, that's how my housework goes too, perhaps they're related.

Monday, May 15, 2006

My ribs are a sticking point

Seeing my ribs freaks me out. If I had some sort of muscle to cover them, something so I couldn't see the excellent rib definition, I'd be cool with losing a little weight. In the morning, in the glare of the fluorescent lights, when I hop up from the toilet and stretch tall and yawn and catch a glimpse of myself and 4 or 5 ribs in the vanity mirror, it freaks me the hell out. And then I hop on the scale and say "3 pounds to go? That's crazy talk!"

And that is part of why I have a hard time sticking to a weight loss plan.

Friday, May 12, 2006

How low can you go?

Weight Watchers will not let you attend meetings if you're 10 pounds below the low end of the weight range for your height without a doctor's not saying tht it's OK. I'm just amazed that the low weight for my height is 116 pounds. That's skinny. And 10 below would be a BMI of 18, which is (according to many experts) still considered healthy. The lowest weight where the BMI is still 18 (for a 5'4" adult) is 102 pounds.

I'd be skeletal. I cannot fathom.

I was reading a proanorexia LiveJournal community yesterday, and someone posted pictures of an anorexia sufferer. That's some crazy shit.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One transgression = binge

I've never had that feeling personally. That feeling that I've f*cked up the diet, so I might as well eat all the stuff I've been denying myself, and then start over on monday. A lot of the women (and men) I've met on messageboards and in real life have that relationship with food, so this struck me as the ideal interpretation:
